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I get the content, but where do I start?

Whether you are an entrepreneur, an executive or a resilient employee looking for ways to advance and influence more - we have solutions and free tools to help you start making a difference towards the necessary shifts to lead in the age of personalization. If you relate with one of our videos or articles, select the option that describes you best, and learn more about how GLLG can help:

Free Assessments

Know your starting point, identify areas for growth: Take the Age of Personalization Assessment to identify the standardization traps and necessary shifts most relevant to you and your team.

Free Content

For a deeper dive into the situation and for practical solutions: over the past 12 years, Mr. Llopis has been a leadership strategist contributing writer to Forbes, where he has been recognized as a top 20 influential thought leader. His writings feature more than 25 years of thinking and experience as a senior executive and entrepreneur focusing on how diversity of thought can maximize organizational capacity and accelerate human potential in today’s age of personalization.


Learn a proven methodology for making necessary shifts: Glenn Llopis’ best-selling books that include Earning Serendipity (2009), The Innovation Mentality (2017) and Leadership in the Age of Personalization (2019) is a trilogy of foundational skills and strategies that will prepare you to make the necessary shifts to disrupt the status quo in leadership so you can start leading in the age of personalization.

Online Training

An easy (and scalable) way to help you (and you peers) grow; interactive, on-demand: The GLLG Online Academy – powered by LightSpeed VT – allows you to quickly deploy a comprehensive web-based online training program to master the skills and strategies to lead the five shifts in today’s age of personalization.

Free Assessments

Know your starting point, identify areas for growth: Take the GLLG assessments to identify the standardization traps and necessary shifts most relevant to you and your team.


Galvanize and energize your people, tailored using people analytics: Suggesting a keynote for an upcoming meeting or event,, is a great way to introduce these topics to your leaders who are aware of their importance, but don’t know how to take action to advance the organizations goals and objectives. Allow us to help you more people and develop a shared understanding and common shared language. that is tangible, actionable and measureable.


Customized two-day programs designed to support specific business goals and leadership performance requirements: Experience a high-impact training session with Glenn Llopis based on your assessments and pre-work results. You and your team will leave with a deeper understanding of how to maximize your full leadership potential to influence the individuals or groups you serve.

Group Assessments

Know your team’s starting point, identify areas for growth: Once all the data from the assessments are collected, the GLLG team will provide a complete customized report including group summaries and individual reports. Report findings will define the current mindset of your organization and/or department(s), and provide individual and group opportunity development gaps.


Galvanize and energize your people, tailored using people analytics: Suggesting a keynote for an upcoming meeting or event, is a great way to introduce these topics to your leadership team who is aware of their importance, but don’t know how to take action to advance the organizations goals and objectives. Allow us to help you develop a shared understanding and common language that is tangible, actionable and measureable. Suggesting a keynote for an upcoming meeting or event, is a great way to introduce these topics to more people and develop a shared understanding and shared language.


Customized two-day programs designed to support specific business goals and leadership performance requirements: Experience a high-impact training session with Glenn Llopis based on your assessments and pre-work results. You and your team will leave with a deeper understanding of how to maximize your full leadership potential to influence the individuals or groups you serve.

Executive Coaching

Personalized approach to create and deploy a culture strategy: Get one-on-one coaching for how to use GLLG’s proven methods to create high-performance teams and cultures focused on inclusion and the power of individuality. GLLG’s self-directed and personalized executive coaching approach will accelerate your leadership readiness to operationalize the proper balance of the five necessary shifts.

Organizational Consulting

Personalized help cascading a culture strategy to all levels: Deploy your culture strategy to evolve your organization, with the help of GLLG consulting. GLLG will provide consultation that will focus on creating a strategy to strengthen organizational culture to achieve the proper balance between personalization and standardization.

Corporate Online Training

An effective and scalable way to help your team grow; interactive, on-demand: The GLLG Online Academy – powered by LightSpeed VT – allows you to quickly deploy a comprehensive web-based online training program to master the skills and strategies to lead the five shifts in today’s age of personalization. For companies that are interested in corporate engagement plans to support department and/or enterprise-wide training, we offer special volume-based pricing. All corporate plans come with extended reporting features for your talent management team, department leaders and/or managers.

The Age of Personalization


The Movement

We need each other more than ever. We’ve learned the hard way that many leaders have lost touch with the changing world around us. It’s time to create economies of scale around embracing human dignity. Our age of personalization demands it.

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Thought leaders

Join this distinguished group of thought leaders. Be an active part of something significant. Let’s redefine what leadership really means.

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GLLG’s Leadership in the Age of Personalization® Summits focus on guiding leaders and their organizations to shift their thinking from one of standardization to personalization, and the urgent need to acknowledge this shift by leading in a way that honors individuality.

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